Masubuchi Tatsuko
Keywords: People
増淵辰子 Masubuchi Tatsuko (1904-1993) was a Nihon Ki-in female professional Go player.
Masubuchi was first a student of Honinbo Shugen and after he retired Honinbo Shusai. She reached 5-dan in 1953 and later achieved 8-dan. Masabuchi was the teacher of Sakata Eio.
- Sakata Eio
- Kawamoto Noboru
- Shiratori Sumiko
- Takeda Misao
- Okubo Ichigen
- Kondo Sachiko
- Kubomoto Tomiko
- Tsukakoshi Tsuneyasu
- Inoue Hatsue
Source: Kido Yearbook 1996