KGS Rank Histogram
The number of accounts vs rank for KGS.
the svg file is created by gnuplot 4.2 (code)
png version
the data is supplied by wms and glue
According to the data, this has a mean of 6k, a median of 5k, and a mode of 2k.
melgo? these stats, what year are they for?
only accounts with confident rank are used
the data prior to 2007 are not shown due to differences in the ranking system, which prevents meaningful comparison
See Also
- AGA Rating Histogram
- DGS Rating Histogram
- Professional Rank Histograms
It would be helpful if the histogram included a grand total of all ranked players. Eyeballing the histogram gives a number over 20,000, but just what is the total?
melgo?: have you checked the data? all the numbers are there.
Nef?: 6694 DDK, 18422 SDK, 5188 low dan and 727 high-dan players totally 31031 in April 2010. When there are update to 2011 year?
No new histogram from 2013?