set terminal svg size 1000, 400 set output "kgs_rank_histogram.svg"
set style fill solid 1.0 noborder
set grid lc rgb "grey" set grid xtics ytics
min_y = 0 max_y = 2500 step_y = 250 set yrange [min_y : max_y] set ytics step_y set ytics textcolor rgb "black" set y2range [min_y : max_y] set y2tics step_y set y2tics textcolor rgb "black"
set xtics ("30" 1 ,"29" 2 ,"28" 3 ,"27" 4 ,"26" 5 ,"25" 6 ,"24" 7 ,"23" 8 ,"22" 9 ,"21" 10 , \ "20" 11 , "19" 12 ,"18" 13 ,"17" 14 ,"16" 15 ,"15" 16 ,"14" 17 ,"13" 18 ,"12" 19 ,"11" 20 , \ "10" 21 ,"9" 22 ,"8" 23 ,"7" 24 ,"6" 25 ,"5" 26 ,"4" 27 ,"3" 28 ,"2" 29 ,"1" 30 , \ "1d" 31 ,"2d" 32 ,"3d" 33 ,"4d" 34 ,"5d" 35 ,"6d" 36 ,"7d" 37 ,"8d" 38 ,"9d" 39) set xtics textcolor rgb "black"
set x2tics ("30" 1 ,"29" 2 ,"28" 3 ,"27" 4 ,"26" 5 ,"25" 6 ,"24" 7 ,"23" 8 ,"22" 9 ,"21" 10 , \ "20" 11 , "19" 12 ,"18" 13 ,"17" 14 ,"16" 15 ,"15" 16 ,"14" 17 ,"13" 18 ,"12" 19 ,"11" 20 , \ "10" 21 ,"9" 22 ,"8" 23 ,"7" 24 ,"6" 25 ,"5" 26 ,"4" 27 ,"3" 28 ,"2" 29 ,"1" 30 , \ "1d" 31 ,"2d" 32 ,"3d" 33 ,"4d" 34 ,"5d" 35 ,"6d" 36 ,"7d" 37 ,"8d" 38 ,"9d" 39) set x2tics textcolor rgb "black"
set border 15 back lc rgb "grey"
set key left top
set style rect fc rgb "white" fs solid noborder set object 1 rect behind from 1,min_y to 39,max_y
plot '2007.confident' using 2:1 title "April 2, 2007" with linespoints pt 13 ps 1 lc rgb "dark-orange", \ '2008.confident' using 2:1 title "March 16, 2008" with linespoints pt 13 ps 1 lc rgb "dark-red", \ '2009.confident' using 2:1 title "April 27, 2009" with linespoints pt 13 ps 1 lc rgb "dark-green", \ '2010.confident' using 2:1 title "April 13, 2010" with linespoints pt 13 ps 1 lc rgb "blue"