Ishidate ( 石立て ) is an obsolete Japanese go term literally meaning setting up stones or the setup of the stones. It is a synonym for fuseki.
This example comes from (dead link). The commentary on the classical game states:
Here when White plays the kakari at and Black plays the everyday attack of
, playing the counter pincer at
is Shuei style ishidate.
JohnFairbairn discusses this term here, commenting (heavily abbreviated):
"The word ishidate (Jowa's) for fuseki means 'establishment of groups'. (...) The term fuseki (lit. spreading out of stones) could be seen as more descriptive of how to achieve (Shuei's) new opening style. (...) By Taisho times - the following decade - the term fuseki took over and by Showa times (1926) it had ousted its rival."