Igo Masters Cup
Keywords: Tournament
(囲碁マスターズカップ) A Japanese tournament for active players over 50 who have previously held titles. First Prize is Yen 5,000,000 (Yen 1,500,000 for the runner up). The first edition held in 2011 (13 players, winners of major titles, compete) was won by Cho Chikun. From the 2nd edition, 16 senior players compete. Discontinued in 2019.
- 2011, 1st: Cho Chikun d. Kobayashi Koichi
- 2012, 2nd: O Meien d. Cho Chikun
- 2013, 3rd: Kobayashi Satoru d. Ishii Kunio
- 2014, 4th: Cho Chikun d. Kobayashi Satoru
- 2015, 5th: Cho Chikun d. Takemiya Masaki
- 2016, 6th: Kobayashi Koichi d. Awaji Shuzo
- 2017, 7th: Kobayashi Satoru d. Cho Chikun
- 2018, 8th: Yoda Norimoto d. Kataoka Satoshi
- 2019, 9th: Cho Chikun d. Komatsu Hideki
Competitors of the first edition
- Kobayashi Koichi (runner up)
- Rin Kaiho
- Takemiya Masaki
- Otake Hideo
- Ishida Yoshio
- Kobayashi Satoru
- Kataoka Satoshi
- Kudo Norio
- Hane Yasumasa
- O Rissei
Tournament tables at Go to Everyone! site: https://gotoeveryone.k2ss.info/news/jp/im/9/