Iemoto System
Organisational model found in all types of Japanese traditional arts (chanoyu, ikebana, kabuki, koto, samisen, shakuhachi, dance, as well as Go and Shogi). Based on the idea of a family, the term iemoto (lit. “base of the house/family"”) refers either to the founder or to his direct successor within a particular tradition of art or craft. While successors can be indeed related to the founder by blood, adoption is also very common. Since there can be only one iemoto at a time, splitting up in different 'houses' is a common phenomenon in iemoto systems. In the history of Go, Honinbo is the best known and oldest iemoto tradition, but there were eventually four houses of Go in the Edo period. The family model is also emphasised by the use of the same name in successive generations. In three of the four houses there was a name such as Inoue Inseki used professionally by the iemoto through the generations.
Charles Matthews, additions by Pok
For an in-depth-insight into the interactions between the various iemoto see: The Castle Games of the Edo Period