See also Joseki-related life-and-death example 2.
This is another shape often resulting from a 3-3 invasion.
Let's try a few attacks for White.
When the tail consists of three or more stones, and/or the outside cutting point is important (in this case a), connect is better. This results in seki at worst. White may play at to seal the top edge, forcing at .
Making the L+2 group saves all 6 stones but this time, the other white descent (on top) is sente, as this will threaten a ko.
If white has the marked stone, for example because black threatened to connect an outside group here, the corner can now be killed.
Sandra: If it’s black turn, can it be saved?
MrTenuki: Yes-- one option would be connecting at a. The point here is simply that the marked White stone changes the status of the Black group from alive to unsettled.
Sandra: Thank you!