Bill Spight: I think that is honte, but is korigatachi. How about this?
It won't be easy to catch this white group, specially with a little help from some friends. -- Holigor
Bill: Well, at a looks better, eh? ;-)
Let's do tewari on the first example diagram.
After , the exchange / favors White.
If Black is going to come back and protect at , better not play the keima first.
We see the exchange of - when Black has instead made the one-space pincer ( stone).
Then Black does not come back to protect.
Holigor: I like this discussion. I am most interested in what happens after joseki. The interest is even bigger taking into account that I managed to kill the black wall in a way similar to Diagram 2 this week :).
Now about the move a in Diagram 2. In a game between Kobayashi Koichi and Cho Chikun in a similar situation, the following thing happened.
Material moved from honte by Charles Matthews; example and comments were by HolIgor.