Go Seigen Books

Here is a very incomplete list of books authored or co-authored by Go Seigen吴清源

  • Tesuji Dictionary /《手筋辞典》上中下 瀬越憲作 呉清源 誠文堂新光社 1971 (Japanese)
  • Black Fuseki/《黑布局》 (Chinese version)
  • White Fuseki/《白布局》 (Chinese version)
  • Modern Joseki Application Dictionary (3 volumes) by Go Seigen/現代定石活用辞典(上中下) 呉清源 誠文堂新光社 1976 (Japanese)
  • Fuseki and Middle-Game Attack-Defend / 布局与中盘攻防 (Chinese version)
  • / 如何使优势棋确实赢到手 (Chinese version)
  • / 吴清源围棋全集 第一卷 白布局 (Chinese version)
  • / 吴清源围棋全集 第一卷 黑布局 (Chinese version)
  • / 吴清源围棋全集 第二卷 定式要领 (chinese version)
  • / 吴清源围棋全集3-序盘战术和打入要点 (Chinese version)
  • / 吴清源围棋全集4-中盘战术死活和收官 (Chinese version)
  • A way of play for the 21 st century/ 二十一世纪的围棋下法 (chinese version)
  • / 吴清源名局精解3 (Chinese version)
  • / 呉清源 21世紀の碁〈全10巻〉 (21st Century Go, 10 volumes) (Japanese)
  • / 新布石法 (Shin Fuseki Hou, co-authored by Kitani Minoru and Yasunaga Hajime) (Japanese)
  • / 呉清源 最新打碁研究 (Go Seigen Saishin Uchigo Kenkyuu Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) (Japanese) published by Seibundo Shinkosha (ISBN: vol.1 4416705107, vol.2 4416705417, vol. 3 4416705573, vol. 4 4416706316, vol. 5 4416507100 ). [ext] Review of volume 1 by the GoGOD team of John Fairbairn and T Mark Hall.
  • / 呉清源思い出の十八局 今ならこう打つ (Go Seigen Omoide no Juuhachi Kyoku--Ima Nara Kou Utsu) 18 memorable games of Go Seigen--Now I Would Play This Way. (Japanese) ISBN: 4416700466
  • 吴清源 人生十八局——18 盘经典对 18 selected games commented by Go. (Chinese version of the preceding Japanese edition)
  • Go stones never age. Go Seigen Tsumego Collection, 2023 by BOARD N'STONES (寿石不老 Juseki Furou, 1995)

Bob McGuigan: Actually, Go Seigen has authored many many books. Several of the titles above are Chinese versions of books first published in Japan. Amazon.co.jp lists 57 titles, some of which are out of print, but there are many others so far out of print that Amazon doesn't list them.

choreck: Anyone knows about "Ibun Kaiyu" (Go Seigen's autobiography) book, which is mentioned at [ext] http://www.msoworld.com/mindzine/news/orient/go/special/goseigen.html. ?

Bob McGuigan: Here is some bibliographical information:
呉清源回想録 以文会友 (title in Japanese)
白水社 ; ISBN: 4560039879 (publisher and ISBN)
The book is available from amazon.co.jp

Below is an incomplete list of books by 呉 清源 available at amazon.co.jp (prices are per volume) (July 8, 2005)

二十一世紀の打ち方 (1997/06) ¥2,415

21世紀の碁 (1997/10) -- ten volumes ¥4,200 each

二十一世紀の布石 (1998/06) ¥2,100 -- three volumes

呉清源思い出の十八局 今ならこう打つ (2000/12) ¥ 4,935

手筋事典 (2003/01 reprint) ¥2,100 -- three volumes

新・呉清源道場 (2003/11) ¥1,365 -- five volumes

呉清源教室 (2004/03) ¥2,100 -- two volumes

呉清源最新打碁研究 (2005/01) ¥2,520 -- four volumes

Many of Go Seigen's more recent books were written with the help of Niu Li Li, a Chinese professional 5-dan living in Japan.

External links

Book of Commented Games by Go Seigen - downloadable book of games played by Go Seigen, commented by Go Seigen.

<[ext] http://www.5z.com/tucsongo/book/>

Go Seigen Books last edited by Dieter on November 13, 2023 - 10:29
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