Go Moon
Go magazine, published for several years in the Netherlands.
The 0-issue appeared two days after the 1st game of the Honinbo Match in Paris, with the moves from this game on the first two pages, during the Amsterdam tournament in May 1988. Go Moon wanted to be the younger brother of Go World. It contained mainly pro games from Japan, and later also lots of games from Korea.
An unique feature of Go Moon was an early focus on sanrensei openings in a special section, inspired mainly by Takemiya Masaki 9P. Soon this section developed into yonrensei (4 star-points in a row) specials, especially when other top players like Fujisawa Shuko, Kato Masao and Cho Chikun also started to employ this opening, even in top-title matches. Also, soon after the start, the editor of Go Moon - Peter Dijkema from Amsterdam - became member of the team, which produced the European Grand Prix Newsletters. Hence he included those as well in Go Moon, as part of "European News". It also included some translations of essays by 'Maitre Lim' ('Master Lim') 5d from the magazine "Noir et Blanc" (Black and White) in Paris.
Editing Go Moon was mainly a one-man job, but without the help of Jan Wielemaker it never would have been possible. He provide useful macro's and did the typesetting of texts in Latex?. Go Moon emerged because the Dutch magazine "GO" received copies of "Go Weekly", "Kido Monthly?", "Igo Club" for free -- and later also monthlies from Korea and Taiwan and also because Jan van der Steen (author of gobase and of 321go) wrote "Liberty" for easily entering games on Atari ST.
As the name indicates, the magazine was intended to be almost like a monthly. However, never 13 issues a year came out. A standard issue would contain 48 pages on A5 with dozens of mostly uncommented fresh games between top-pro's. It had about 50 subscribers world wide, most of them in Europe. Production was mostly several hundreds of copies.
The last two issues, numbers 37 and 38, appeared in January 1994. The magazine stopped, because it lost production facilities at The European Go and Cultural Centre EGCC in Amstelveen. Soon after the author moved to Warsaw and slowly switched to reporting international issues to magazines like Newsweek and Playboy Polska and other glossies or weeklies.
The author had been writing before - in Dutch for "GO" and in English he contributed to several publications, as Go World and Ranka Yearbooks. Since early Summer 2007, he regularly contributed as European Correspondent to the American Go Association eJournal, soon with a handfull of articles every week.
In between, he has been several times editor of the "Bulletins" at European Go Congress : Maastricht (NL, 1994), Tuchola (Poland, 1995 and 2004), Prague (Cz, 2005), Villach (Austria, 2007), Leksand (Sweden, 2008), Groningen (The Netherlands, 2009) and Bordeaux (France, 2011).
In November 2009 he started as editor-in-chief of EuroGoTV contributing illustrated articles on a daily basis - mostly news, but also bits of biography, history and book (p)reviews.