Get Strong At Gote
A Go book by Nestor de la Pallissade, published by Ritchie Press.
Rakshasa: This looks like a case of killing yourself in gote. IMO that doesn't really fit the title of the book.
IanDavis You are wrong. HTH ;->
Rakshasa: From looking at the cover, it should be "Get strong at dying in gote", it could also just be "Get strong at suicide". The cover example should IMO be relatively simple and clearly show how to play gote without extra topics included.
IanDavis This is an outrageous accusation. Get Strong at Gote is a book which contains advice on how to improve Gote in all areas of your game.
Rakshasa: People need a clear and simple introduction to Gote. How can you expect people to become strong in gote if you throw in lessons in a multitude of other topics?
IanDavis: This is lukewarm thinking on your part. Either try to learn everything or end up learning nothing.
kukulis?: White is wrong move. White should play 21 point first, then black is forced to play , and only then white plays . So black probably is automatic play, because black had in mind the sequence I just wrote.
Wyriel? Black had in mind to answer a move which kills his corner after 1 more move? Instead of leaving his response as a ko threat? I think black is just making a mistake -- or deliberately practicing get strong at gote.
Elroch It was a considerable time after I heard of this title that I was disappointed (as well as amused) to find it was a joke. The fact is that games are often won by at various points interrupting a sequence of sente moves by playing a big gote move, and there may be no real book on this subject. I know that I for one have lost more games by not playing a necessary defensive move than for most other reasons!
To practice dying in gote, see worst move problems.
See also (serious stuff):