Force White into the Center
Advice on playing high handicap games as Black[1]
Pressure White
Attack and force White into cramped and overconcentrated positions and in the process force White into the center, while the Black attacking moves end up in a good position.
makes it hard for White to get a base at the top. uses and reinforces the marked handicap stone. White has to run into the center to find an other eye.
Note that this advice conflicts with the idea of confining White to a corner or side, which is impossible here anyway.
Andy: I'm not sure this is good advice. The handicap stones are all high which means they should be used to contest for the center. If black pushes white into the center like shown in the diagram, white is going to live in the center and then white is also going to undermine black's high position on the left side and corner. Black is going to get hosed. Black could try moving to x in order to get more balance with his stones while still putting the same amount of pressure on the semi-floating white stones.
See also: