Costly Atari/ Discussion

Sub-page of CostlyAtari

aLegendWai: I am not good enough. I don't know if there's an easy method to find out which mutual damage is beneficial, which is not.

It is a hard time for me to play out mutual damage because I don't know if I can gain more in some situations. Sometimes it may be obvious. But sometimes it is not.

If it is the latter, maybe the only way we can find out the answer is to read out some likely good variations of mutual damage which is time-consuming. Any ideas?

Mef: Counting is what will tell you whether or not the mutual damage scenario is a better choice, but as always one can only count the variations that one can read out.

aLegendWai: Before counting , I think play-out of the variations is needed, isn't it? (although you play it out in mind and count in mind, it is still time-consuming). :P

Mef: As I can only count the variations one can read out...

aLegendWai: Ok. Got it!

(Sebastian:) "Costly atari" doesn't really fit the example given, since the alternative is also an atari, and both come at a cost. Or is this an accepted term for this specific move?

I am a bit confused by the two related pages:

We should probably consolidate them into one parent page and one discussion page. If "mutual damage" is an accepted term and "costly atari", isn,t then we should use the former.

aLegendWai: Agree! I feel this page is just another page of mutual damage.

Bill: Yes, at the point of the costly atari, Black's other play is also an atari. However, it is correct, with no cost.

As for go terminology, there is no special term for this. It is an atari, and it is costly. ;-)

(Sebastian:) Apparently I don't know what "costly" means. Does it mean

  • An atari that makes a big difference if ignored. So it would apply to the move by itself -or-
  • An atari that turns out big, as B5 does because B7 does not protect? In that case, it can be said only in hindsight.

The relation to the mutual damage page is accidental. It just happens that the example I used is also one of mutual damage.

(Sebastian:) I see, thanks!

Bill: There is no special meaning to costly. In this case, the atari costs 1 point, the difference between a 1 point loss and jigo.

Costly Atari/ Discussion last edited by aLegendWai on November 4, 2004 - 15:07
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