Complaining about time settings
Note: I haven't played much internet go except for KGS, so I don't know if this applies to the "other" servers :)
One think that really has been bothering me lately are time settings for games. On KGS, when you offer a game, you set the time settings. I always set mine to canadian, 5 mins main time, 15 minutes per 25 stones. People challenging me to games seem to be obsessed with changing those. The way I see it, I offer a game, I offer it under my own preferences. If you don't like it, offer your own with the settings you like. No, I won't play flash games of 2 mins. Yes, I really do prefer my time settings to others. Why else would I set them that way?
I just played a game with someone who said one of his big mistakes that resulted in the loss was not checking the time settings when coming in. He complained that the time settings were too long by far, said it made for an incredibly slow game, etc. This, to me, was extremely poor behaviour.
What about you? Do people like to bugger with your time settings? Does it bother you?
Yes, this is very annoying. I play on both IGS and KGS, and I prefer the IGS timing system (which corresponds with KGS's Canadian timing). For a 19x19, I usually set the time to 20/10, or 10/10 if I'm in a hurry (10 minutes for 25 stones is a very comfortable pace, I think). However, there seem to be some people who are obsessed with playing under the default byo-yomi system, which I find irritating--each move is allotted a certain amount of time, but some moves may take 40 seconds of thinking while others take 5.
The worst are those who choose your game and change your timing to blitz. I don't play blitz--in Chess or Go--and so I always 'Reject' them, and I'm sure that this makes me less than popular with the blitzers ;)
JeffPaulsen: I like to play fast. If I see someone offering a game, I'll make a counter-offer with the time settings changed to something faster, so I suppose I'm one of the people you are complaining about. If you don't like it, just reject it - it doesn't bother me at all. If the game is close, I will usually extend time for my opponent: I'm not interested in winning on time, I just want the game to flow along briskly.
KarlKnechtel: I've become rather fond of 1/10 myself; it seems to be a good default speed that most people will accept, anyway. One of my problems seems to be that I move too fast and end up making careless mistakes or typos, but I've tried slower time controls and find that I don't move any slower, I just think more while waiting for the opponent :/
SteffenGlueckselig: What different TimeSystems are there and how do they work?
JasonD: When someone pulls that out on me, I flatly tell him he agreed to the time settings. When he tells me he didn't notice them, I ask him if he is able to notice them. I almost always get a 'yes' response, to which I reply 'I guess you'll pay more attention next time, then?' If they say 'yea, I guess I will', I give them more time as I see appropriate. Some get mad. I dont give them any time. I cannot respect someone who refuses to learn from their mistakes. +
Giving an orphan a home:
Anyway, I'm not at all picky about time settings, except that I want some sort of time limit. On KGS, I like no main time, and swift Canadian time (5/20 or 3/20). Still, I'm willing to play thrity-second or one-minute-a-move games, though anything longer than that gets dull. Besides, at my level, that additional thinking really doesn't help that much.
I've always preferred settings like say 30 seconds to 1 minute per move on average (however long the game lasts). I don't know a good way to set it on KGS. -JH