Steffen Glueckselig
Hello, my name is Steffen Glückselig. I am studying Informatik (alas computer science) in Würzburg, Germany. I was born in 1979. I started playing Go around 1997/98.
Currently I prefer KGS for internet-go. I also like to play slow-paced games on the DragonGoServer.
In germany I am playing as 6k.
I am a fan of MakingYourOwnEquipment (actually it should be my, of course ;-)). I've built several Gobans and am still trying to improve on it. There's a page with all the gobans I've made. I've put a script online that generates (correctly meassured) templates for board-grids:
I am developing a program that helps managing collections of SGFFiles. It displays the information in the files (names, ranks, result, etc.) in a table which can be manipulated.
Several statistical functions can be invoked processing the table's data.
One can include comments to every game and much.
It's called JavaCollectionTool. If you want to find out more, please check out Jacoto's webpage.