Celebrity Wannabe Go Players

    Keywords: Humour

This page was inspired by the Celebrity Go Players list.

I am now shamelessly stealing it :) MarkD

A list of people who became famous or known for achievements or activities not related to Go, but who will never maintain a current interest in Go or have never played Go.

Please add actors, artists, authors, philosophers, politicians, scientists, war lords, etc.

  • George W. Bush... because he is very good at invasions and likes to take away liberties
  • John Kerry... because he leaves miai in his positions.
  • Jesus Christ... because he died and yet won
  • Mohammed Ali... because he made plenty of ko-threats
  • Natalie Portman... because she has two beautiful eyes
  • The Rolling Stones... because this group already seemed to be dead and recovered
  • Saddam Hussein... because he can create lots of threats, but when you invade his territory all that just disappears
  • Mohandas Ghandi... because he never fought yet still neutralized invasions
  • Dick Cheney... because all his invasions manage to escape (to an undisclosed location)
  • Jedi Master Yoda... because he plays light
  • Jack Bauer... because in 5 games, his kill count surpassed 93.[1]
  • Napoleon Bonaparte... Because his life reads like a Go game: After his unreasonable invasion, even breaking out couldn't prevent his eventual capture and death.
  • Hannibal Lecter... Who enjoys cutting furiously, complicating the situation and making good his escape.

Funkybside: Good stuff :0)

Please feel free to add more.

ProtoDeuteric: I don't like that this page is politically charged, but it is pretty funny, so I'll have to place my sense of humor ahead of my policies this time. Good show, I say!

  • "Politically Charged"? You mean there is a tax on SL pages now? DrStraw

kevinwm: Don't forget

  • OJ Simpson... cuts whenever he gets the chance.
  • Hannibal Lecter... also loves to eat living stones.
  • Stevie Wonder... Master of false eyes. (Has them, but they don't work.)
  • Mr. Potato Head... the consummate Go player!

jergarmar: I thought for sure someone would mention this one:

  • Sammy Davis Jr... spent a long time stuck with a false eye

[1] A John Bauer translated Go Proverbs Illustrated. Coincidence?????

Don't forget Ben "Bugsy" Siegel- He died when he lost an eye.

Celebrity Wannabe Go Players last edited by PeterHB on July 19, 2008 - 02:54
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