It is more interesting when White plays first. White ataris to increase the liberties, followed by the hane at
to prevent Black from making two eyes in the corner. Note that White can throw in at a any time, so the eye at a has effectively only one liberty.
The correct move is Black , which may be a blind spot for some. It prevents White from creating a ko there. Up to Black
, White is unable to make the approach move at a due to a shortage of liberties. This is a typical case of a capturing race where the group that has an eye kills a group that has no eye.
White and
here are tricky: it actually attempts to make a seki. The throw in at
destroys the possibility of White making an eye there, and is the only correct move. If White
is played at
, Black will play at
Reducing White's liberties directly at in this diagram is wrong. White makes two throw ins at
, and fights a big ko in the corner.
Conclusion: The two marked White stones in the question are dead.