Forum for Go for Beginners
Second thoughts [#532]
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Second thoughts
(2006-07-10 15:25) [#1876]
In 2006 I reread this book, from a completely different perspective now that I have rearranged my ideas about the true nature of Go (see my teaching experiences and my ideas on go theory). If you realize how easy explaining Go could be, the book strikes you as awkwardly complex. It's actually very complete in displaying all the flaws that are the consequence of stating that "surrounding empty area" is the purpose of the game:
- It says early on that territory is more important than capturing stones. First, that isn't necessarily true. It calls for the skill of distinguishing heavy and light groups/stones, which beginners obviously don't have. Second, it emphasizes efficiency which is definitely a core concept of Go, but surely not the one that should be featured on the first pages.
- It says that adding stones to your own territory is generally bad. First, this makes people underestimate the value of thickness. Second, here too there is premature focus on efficiency.
- It says that dead stones can be removed at the end of the game, without effictively capturing them, before it explains about life and death. We all know how difficult it is to explain to beginners why stones are dead, and why they can be removed.
- This beginners book fails to touch upon the vital concepts and basic principles of Go. It doesn't talk about the balance between development fo new area and stability of existing stones. In fact , it treats the latter as a vague and advanced concept which is difficult to apply, while simplifying and overestimating the importance of the former. Consequently, it talks about liberties as a side concept, something to be aware of but not as one of the key arguments for the value of moves. It doesn't even remotely talk about connecting and cutting, which is the second basic concept. Neither does it emphasize the immediate and latent danger of being surrounded, even with eyespace.
It is hence not surprising, that Go addicts in the West who are bred with this book and with Lessons in the fundamentals are lacking even the most basic knowledge of Go fundamentals.
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