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Is it ok to correct language on homepages? [#311]

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Hicham: Is it ok to correct language on homepages? (2006-02-22 19:22) [#1084]

If a homepages has some or lots of spelling and grammatical errors in it, is it ok to correct these or should we refrain from changing stuff on those pages?

Dieter: Re: Is it ok to correct language on homepages? (2006-02-22 19:34) [#1086]

If the mistakes and errors is too big of course ...

ChiyoDad: IMHO (2006-02-22 18:24) [#1085]

A homepage is a representation of the individual. Just leave it as it is.

I have no qualms however of correcting grammatical and spelling errors on other pages.

velobici: ((no subject)) (2006-02-22 19:59) [#1088]

Surely, spelling should be corrected. Spellings in english (both british and american spellings) have been standardized for some decades now. In particular misspelling that break links (such as Joesaki?) should be corrected.

Sentance structure could be a form of personal expression or could be an out right error. Example: "he do play go." The subject is singular; the verb is plural. This is a fundamental error. Correct english is "he does play go." Were someone to write "he do play go, jack!" Now that could well be a deliberate choice to forgo correct grammer to express a hightened emphasis. Ya knows what I mean, dude?

Hmm....I should create a KGS account called Joe Seki.

ChiyoDad: Joe Seki (2006-02-22 20:14) [#1089]

Someone already got Joe Seki but Tess Suji is still available.

DrStraw: disagree (2006-02-23 01:44) [#1092]

if peepel start chanjin the wordds I rite on my home page then i wil have too start addin all the ifno abowt me as coments in the discushen threds.

Bill: Re: disagree (2006-02-23 08:10) [#1095]

Win your write, your write!

velobici: ((no subject)) (2006-02-23 15:20) [#1097]

Win you're write, you write.
Win you're right, you write.
Win you write, you write.
Win you write, you're right.

And in all these cases, you're wrong. :)

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