Forum for Center Shimari

not a shimari [#2970]

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reply not a shimari (2014-01-31 16:05) [#9930]

A shimari has the notion of enclosure and due to its nature it occurs in the corner, where you can enclose some potential territory with two moves. In the centre, you enclose nothing. So this is not a shimari, it's a one space jump, a particular development of two stones which focuses in influence across the board in two primary directions and two secodary directions.

I think the naming is not appropriate. It has indeed been played though as an unorthodox fuseki, so the page may deserve a spot.

oren: ((no subject)) (2014-01-31 18:23) [#9931]

A pro on Japanese TV called it a shimari, so I see no reason not to go with it.

I even found the episode... [ext] 面白い布石がいくつも存在する。 隅に3手かけるトーチ力や、天元一間ジマリ、 白江八段のアポロ流など。

An episode on unusual fuseki, one of which was a one space tengen "shimari".

reply ((no subject)) (2014-02-01 01:51) [#9932]

I copied the name from Shapenaji on life in 19x19 without thinking. He probably got it from the pro who discussed it in Go World. But I don't have an opinion. --hyperpape

Slarty: ((no subject)) (2014-02-01 05:13) [#9933]

For now I have put "center shimari" in quotes, to recognize the prevailing notion on shimari(enclosure). But the implications are interesting and maybe there will be more material. Regardless of what the actual translation of the Japanese word turns out to be, it seems the utility of making a one-point jump formation center or corner is worth stating.

reply ((no subject)) (2014-02-01 08:45) [#9934]

RobertJasiek: center shimari (enclosure) is a common go term (common among those already knowing it).

X Re: ((no subject)) (2014-02-01 10:33) [#9935]

And do those who know the term also understand it or is it purely esoteric? What exactly is enclosed here? The centre? Re: ((no subject)) (2014-02-01 13:15) [#9936]

RobertJasiek: Yes, the center. Enclosed is used figuratively in this context.

Dieter: Re: ((no subject)) (2014-02-01 13:30) [#9937]

Figuratively aka useless. It doesn't help any beginner to learn a concept like "centre enclosure" only to learn that it is a figure of speech because it actually refers to a shape commonly found in corners, where it effectively encloses something. I'm surprised that you, who seeks a theoretical framework with very precise terms and thorough explanations, would endorse such a fluffy name.

tapir: Re: ((no subject)) (2014-02-01 14:06) [#9938]

So "one-point-jump in the center" is it? Re: ((no subject)) (2014-02-01 15:06) [#9939]

RobertJasiek: It is an immaterial shape term. I have not invented it, but report its usage. For good theory, call it "indirectly connected center influence group".

reply ((no subject)) (2014-02-02 05:47) [#9940]

unkx80: I suspect "center shimari" is a relatively new English Go term. When I google this term, one of the earliest examples I can find is [ext] this, posted in August 2011. On the other hand, I get no results if I try to search for the all-English term "center enclosure".

A more accurate term is "center one-point jump" or "center one-space jump", but I have no real preference for change, especially if "center shimari" appears to be accepted and established.

Slarty: Re: ((no subject)) (2014-02-02 08:13) [#9941]

It points to the value of a corner formation as both a territorial enclosure, of the corner, and an influential formation towards the side. In both directions it's a fence or partial! enclosure.

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