Forum for Dieter Verhofstadt

on 1d teachers [#2655]

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reply on 1d teachers (2011-11-11 05:17) [#8851]

I assume you don't approve of 1d teachers who charge for their services.

I see your point about 1d not being a strong position for teaching from, either for free or for money. On the other hand, let's not forget that the student is not forced to take anybody's lessons. If the teacher is clear about their level and limitations, then I cannot see anything wrong in what they are doing, because it should be well within a student's abilities to decide whether they want to take the risk.

It's not as though a weak teacher is a shady religious guru who would entice some naive youth into a snare of sex and slavery through lies, empty promises and tricky talk. It's more like a used car being sold privately - it's riskier for the buyer than purchasing a car from a good dealer, but provided the seller is truthful about the product, then there is nothing particularly to criticise.

I would, though, condemn strongly the teacher who claimed to be a 1d "professional" or "semi-professional" because they held a 1d rank (amateur) and get money, no matter how little, from go. That would be misrepresentation, for sure.

That's my view, and just so you know I do not teach go myself (I'm not even 1d on KGS yet!), but I am aware of 1d teachers who do charge, and I would argue that they are within their rights to do so. As for those who don't charge, I think they should be applauded for wanting to help others to get stronger, and being willing to sacrifice their time and effort for it. On the other hand, they have no reasonable right to expect other people to be as noble.


Dieter: ((no subject)) (2011-11-11 11:16) [#8852]

Hi Tammy,

Sure people have the right to do whatever they want, like 1d amateurs charging for lessons. However, I would not recommend anyone to pay for go tutoring by a 1d (even up to 4d I find suspicious). There are plenty of 6-7d around waiting for pupils. That said, if there were a culture in Europe of introducing go to children or other newcomers, I could accept being paid for regular introduction sessions, given what I consider to be my expertise in introducing people.

reply ((no subject)) (2011-11-13 19:55) [#8854]

I think of 1d as a prerequisite for a kind of badge earned for knowing how to play Go, in principle, which is not to say having ever once played one proper game. The idea is that dans know something about every aspect of the game, and at least have some mastery of the stuff that goes on in sdk games. Of course, many people reach that rank without a balanced set of skills, let alone teaching spirit. Cautious, teaching oriented people have plenty to offer, but pricing education is unreliable at best.


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