Forum for 4-4 point 3-3 invasion double hane
Alternative to 3-3 point invasion double hane? [#1895]
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Alternative to 3-3 point invasion double hane?
(2009-07-13 02:26) [#6212]
niic: please help me with this one...
Re: Alternative to 3-3 point invasion double hane?
(2009-07-13 14:32) [#6215]
is very strange. I think it's better to play directly. is also very strange White will just capture that stone at b
Black can seal white in but she's already alive after so white can pull out her stone with .
Black should just block on the outside with . Like this white is much more sealed in than usual.
The other ponnuki - important variation
(2009-07-13 16:10) [#6216]
best continuation
(2009-07-13 16:11) [#6217]
This is already covered in disjointed fashion in several places on S.L. Your best continuation is given here:
Clearly, the topic could benefit from a WME.
Re: best continuation
(2009-07-13 16:14) [#6218]
Let's change this!
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