i would not add it here. it is something different from the basic or less basic side shapes.
Besides, it can occur in the corner. It is not a side shape, per se.
Maybe it is a bit a strange shape to put in this list, but it was on the list in life and death
And I was thinking why not. It was never my intention only to put basic shapes on this page. (whatever basic may mean) It was more an inventarisation of small groups, and it surely counts as small. I hope. think number of stones , total area occupied ect.
I did ament the description. I also would like to add groups that look like they are alive with territory but are really only alive in seki or worse.
how about to put it under "rule dependent life and death" on another page. it sounds more than an oddity than something i need on a page which explains common shapes on the edge -> "Who wins and loses depends also under which set of rules the game is played."