Forum for 4-4 point one-space low pincer invasion, block
I am not so sure about one main thing [#1404]
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I am not so sure about one main thing
(2008-05-23 17:05) [#4707]
i am not so sure about this num 3 move
it might help w get stronger faster
i wuld say that playing 3 at 4 shuld be a better sente and has more power
by no letting the chanse for w to get a sente big ko move
Re: I am not so sure about one main thing
(2008-05-23 19:11) [#4708]
In your second diagram, the black stone that is in the first diagram shouldn't be there. In that case, if is tenuki, will attack like this, instead of cutting at a, and black may get in trouble here.
Re: I am not so sure about one main thing
(2008-05-23 19:17) [#4709]
His diagram should not be labeled "3 tenuki", otherwise how to account for the extraneous stone below? If is at , then it seems logical to me too.
Re: I am not so sure about one main thing
(2008-05-23 19:32) [#4710]
I think the original idea was to point out a better sequence where black could play tenuki with 3, but that that sequence was a mistake because the author had accidentaly left the stone there.
Re: I am not so sure about one main thing
(2008-05-23 22:01) [#4711]
I see, I didn't read your post carefully enough! =)
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