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The treeview [#1386]

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ThorAvaTahr: The treeview (2008-05-09 10:37) [#4666]

There has been a discussion about the tree view feature on the SmartGo Forum. Anders Kierulf is working on this feature and it is expected to be in version 3.0 (which will be a free update if you buy 2.8 now)

PeterHB: Re: The treeview (2008-05-09 15:20) [#4667]

Accurate, I believe. Your first draft wasn't.

However, I still think it would have been better not to write pre-announce material at all. How do you know what competitive pressures are going to occur that may change what gets delivered in version 3.0? Does that make Anders look silly if he can't deliver to your announcement schedule? Might it be better to just let him do his own announcements of when he is delivering what feature? Re: The treeview (2008-05-09 15:52) [#4668]

You are probably right, I was too excited about the program :)

Reuven: Re: The treeview is horrible indeed (2009-09-29 00:06) [#6424]

oh i just tried it out as i was wondering what the fuss was about and for me at least, as i'm used to playing around a lot with vars this alone made me uninstall it rather quickly... actually i also tried gowrite and some other software and trees are horrible all around o_O not that i'm part of the audience, being a student now the cost's too high for me anyway but having intensely used var editing for more than 5 years it really bugged me....

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