Forum for Tewari

what is the main idea of tewari? [#1094]

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rgrant: what is the main idea of tewari? (2007-08-05 04:44) [#3732]

I'd like to understand tewari better. Example 3 is the most clear example. Let's base this discussion on that.

When white is imagined to have played a 3-3 invasion, black looks to have played two non-matching goals.

One goal is to defend strongly against white pushing out on the fourth line. This gives white a cutting point as in the corrected example.

The other goal is to box white into the corner on the left side's second line. This destroys any cutting point.

The way of identifying parts of the board that might suffer from non-matching goals is to look at stones that might have been played using a typical pattern. In this case the 3-3 invasion pattern matched. Then look at whether the extra stones work with that pattern or against it.

If all the stones in a local area aren't working with the same meaning, and if enough get played to match some larger pattern, though out of sequence, then tewari is going to show you what smells.

How does that explanation sound? Can anyone come up with good move-reordering tewari examples for which it does not hold?

Minue: Re: what is the main idea of tewari? (2007-08-05 05:35) [#3734]

I read your question 3 times. But, I have trouble of understanding you. I suspect that this is probably due to my poor english.

But, if you clean up your sentences and make it clearer, I may help you.

Bill: Re: what is the main idea of tewari? (2007-08-05 17:31) [#3738]

I'm not sure I understand what you are saying, either. Is it something like this?

Inconsistent play is not good, and tewari can indicate when play is inconsistent.

rgrant: Re: what is the main idea of tewari? (2007-08-14 13:35) [#3791]

Yes, inconsistent play is part of my question. Is that the main idea of tewari?

But i'm also trying to probe deeper. To use tewari, one reorders moves. How does something so mechanical expose something so fundamental as inconsistent play?

Perhaps an even deeper assumption is that the purpose of a move is more tightly bound to its position on the board than timing urgency. Thoughts?

KarlKnechtel: Re: what is the main idea of tewari? (2007-08-14 15:19) [#3792]

Sounds good to me. Timing urgency controls your *ability to play purposeful moves* (i.e. before opponent gets to). If you both ignore an urgent move once each, you can still claim it - the result is OK because it can be reordered to "correct" play, even if both players made a mistake. :) But it is of course a bad idea to ignore something deliberately in the hope that opponent will as well. ;)

Bill: Re: what is the main idea of tewari? (2007-08-14 17:22) [#3793]

Perhaps an even deeper assumption is that the purpose of a move is more tightly bound to its position on the board than timing urgency.

That relates to how well stones work together. See my thread, Another way of looking at tewari.

Minue: Re: what is the main idea of tewari? (2007-08-15 01:08) [#3794]

1) Yes, inconsistent play is part of my question. Is that the main idea of tewari?

==> Definitely, No.

2) How does something so mechanical expose something so fundamental as inconsistent play?

==> Not easy to answer simply. I recommend you to read translation of Moon 5p's article on sequence dissection(tewari). It's a good explanation. It's not late to ponder on your own idea after you read it carefully.

At last, let me ask one more thing.

The intent of your question is something like "How to find out inconsistencies in someone's play - is this the main point of tewari?" Or ""How to detect inconsistencies ..."?

xela: Re: what is the main idea of tewari? (2007-08-15 05:15) [#3796]

The article by Moon 5p is here -- many thanks to Minue for translating it.

velobici: ((no subject)) (2007-08-05 18:35) [#3739]

The purpose of tewari analysis of a position(as I understand it) is to evaluate that position by considering a reordering of the moves. The starting position for the analysis is often one that is reached via a well known sequence. The ending position must match the position being examined. The analysis consists of evaluating the moves required to get from the starting to the ending position. If the moves required are not reasonable, the end position is a bad one.

tapir: ((no subject)) (2007-08-15 00:29) [#3795]

I understand that reordering can show you that the sequence as a whole is bad, but the play which looks inconsistent in the reordered sequence have not to be the inefficient play in the game. (I asked myself a question about tewari at BQM360, where the 3-3 invasion is a move which looks silly in the reordered version, but not the mistake in the played one.)

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