Forgive me for being dense: I don't understand the following sentence:
The book is compiled by Richard Bozulich from a Nihon Ki-in book "Tesuji Kyoka Sho" (certainly not the Nihon Ki-in book Tesuji Encyclopedia as that encyclopedia contains 2638 problems).
Having seen neither book, it's hard to comment intelligently, except to say that "compiled from" to me suggests "is a subset of", so the fact that the Tesuji Encyclopedia contains a large number of problems is irrelevant.
If it's a fact that the Tesuji Encyclopedia isn't the right book, then maybe the reference to it should just be deleted. After all, it is also the case that "Get Strong at Tesuji" is not compiled from the Gokyo Shumyo or from Teach Yourself Go or from Zen and the Art of Motorcyle Maintenance...
Bob McGuigan: I understand your point. The big tesuji encyclopedia's title is something like Tesuji Daijiten. Tesuji Kyoka Sho is a different book, title meaning something like "Book for Strengthening Tesuji"