The Workshop Lectures
The Workshop Lectures are slim volumes containing several lectures transcribed from Yilun Yang's lectures in his workshops.
to be added Zengarden
Yilun Yang's workshop lectures are a must for any improving player. Covering a wide range of issues, from Josekis to defence techniques to advice on how to challenge the Chinese opening, the transcripts of lectures given by Yang (7P) to US Go clubs are inspiring and instructive like few other Go texts currently available. "How to invade", for example, was a crystal clear and very easily absorbed lesson on pitching into the heart of an enemy position and creating a living group: I have won many a game as a direct result of these lessons, for which I give enormous thanks to this inspirational teacher.
The lectures are also of a length and focus that they provide an excellent programme for the busy office worker with relatively little time for studying Go: one can take them one at a time while commuting or taking a lunch break. However, to absorb their lessons properly, repeated readings are necessary, a process which has the pleasant by-product of making one realise how understanding has deepened since the previous reading!
Very highly recommended! I hope Slate & Shell continue to produce further volumes.
Tables of Contents
Volume 1
- When to Tenuki in the Opening
- Choosing the Direction of Attack
- Playing Complicated Joseki
Volume 2
- How to Invade
- Choosing the Right Pincer
- Side Extensions in the Opening
- Playing a Territorial Game
- Playing a Moyo Game
Volume 3
- Playing the Opening
- Developments around the 4-4 Point
- Punishing Weak Groups Directly
- Using Forcing Moves
- Handling Weak Stones
Volume 4
- Good and Bad Shape
- When to Play Fast or Slow
- Playing a Fighting Opening
- Destroying Large or Nearly Completed Positions
Volume 5
- Choosing Areas in the Opening
- Handling Unusual Opening Moves
- Protecting a Position
Volume 6
- Entering the Middle Game
- Attacking Severely
- Dealing with a Moyo
- Playing With and Against the Sanrensei
Sample Material
Volume 1 sample pages
Volume 2 sample pages
Volume 3 sample pages
Volume 4 sample pages
Volume 5 sample pages
Volume 6 sample pages