Extension of crosscut tactics

  Difficulty: Intermediate   Keywords: Shape, Tactics

BobMcGuigan --

Some of the ways of thinking involved in handling a crosscut apply also to more general crosscut-like situations. For example, some recommended things to think about when you have stones in a crosscut are:

  • If you can capture one of your opponent's stones that may be a good thing to do.
  • Play to strengthen or increase the liberties of your weaker stone.
  • If possible, don't strengthen or give your opponent good shape.

These principles can be extended to fighting situations in which black and white stones are separating each other. For example, consider the main line of the taisha joseki:

taisha joseki  

Now the black stones black+square, B2, and B4 are separated from black+circle by the white stones. It is White's turn. All of her stones look weak and she can't capture any black stones immediately.

White needs to strengthen her stones and there are two good places to do that, marked in the next diagram:

taisha joseki  

Both of the marked places are joseki moves.

Whichever marked point White takes, Black should take the other. Suppose White plays square. Black will then play circle. White can't give up the stone in atari so we have the following diagram:

taisha joseki  

Black's three marked stones in the next diagram are "inside" and short of liberties. They need help.

taisha joseki  

B1 in the next diagram strengthens these three stones and W2 then strengthens the three weakened white stones.

taisha joseki  

The two black stones on the outside now are the weakest black stones and need attention. Moves a, b, and c, helping them and/or putting pressure on White are all possible joseki moves.

The discussion of this joseki based on the tactical principles mentioned above could continue for several more moves.

A similar analysis could be made of many complicated tactical situations in the middle game, though there things may be even more complicated. Perhaps thoroughly understanding the crosscut can help us in many different tactical struggles.

For more instruction on these points see volume one of The Workshop Lectures by Yang Yilun

Extension of crosscut tactics last edited by on June 8, 2010 - 05:23
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