Western squeeze

    Keywords: Shape, Go term

Chinese: 西洋滚包
Japanese: 西洋シボリ (seiyo shibori)
Korean: -

Note: "Western squeeze" is not an established English Go term, rather it is a literal translation of a Chinese or Japanese term.

The Chinese term 西洋滚包 or 西洋滚打, which literally translates to "Western squeeze", refers to the mistake of squeezing the opponent into a dumpling shape but leaving oneself full of weaknesses afterwards. It can be seen as an instance of the atari-atari mistake. This term was invented by the Japanese and was used derogatorily when the level of Go in the Western countries was very low. These days, the term 西洋滚包 or 西洋滚打 is very rarely used, but it is occasionally found in literature up to the 1990s.

In Japanese, shibori also means a style of fabrics. The expression is a wordplay with the double meaning: "ineffective squeeze play in Go" and "fake shibori fabrics not produced in Japan".

Western squeeze last edited by bugcat on June 29, 2024 - 12:55
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