My name is Eric Wadsworth. I'm a go player, living in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. I play occasionally at the local go club, but mostly online at KGS, where my rank is 7k (as of January 2007). I used to play chess but I find that go is much more fun.
I have read Janice Kim's series of go books several times, and then moved beyond them to the first four volumes of the Elementary Go Series. In the beginning really opened my eyes, 38 Basic Joseki seems useful, but I hesitate to memorize it, and Tesuji is just AWESOME! Life and Death is really hard. I want to get the rest of the books of this series eventually.
I recently discovered that I had become stronger than my rank (on KGS), and after winning lots of even games with other players with my same rank, I finally made the next rank. Then I learned that if you play higher-ranked people without the proper handicap, and win, you go up even faster. So I promptly challenged a player 5 ranks stronger, and specified no hanicap, and I won!
Back when I was at 18k, my short-term goal was to enter the single-digit kyu ranks, specifically 9k. My next goal was 5k, then 1k, then 1d. That is where I will stop, because if I become stronger than 1d, it means that too much of my life is being spent on the game. Shodan would be enough.
You can read more about me at wadhome.org