US Active Room / 1st event

Sub-page of USActiveRoom

The first event presented by US active room will be some friendly introduction matches for our dear members. The purpose of this event is so that members can get to know each other better.

How does this work: Around 1 to 2 games will be played each day by the people that have signed up for the event. The players that are going to play will be randomized. Each player that signs up must be able to play at least one game.

Game setting: Games will have a main time of 15 minutes. There will be 5 periods of byomi that will last for 30 seconds. Japanese rules. Games can be ranked or free.

Date of event: Starts March 3rd. End date has yet to be annouced.

Time: I really want to give out a time, but I know players may have time conflicts with one another. The general time of the event will be from 6:00 pm to 12:00 pm CST.

special rule: players must give out a brief intro of themselves before the game begins. other players should join and watch the game if they have nothing better to do :)

  • Please be on the look out for further updates.

Here is the sign up sheet: (simply add your name in it if you are commited to play)

Registered List
Name Rating
ateares 1k
Borderland 10k
DeaconJohn 7k
Excalibur 6k
elfking 4k
jyaan 3k
Kenshin9 13k
kittie99 4d
Metropolis 14k
NightTiger 9k
Ritty 5k
Sai1029 2d
Schmidtt 10k
Sockfolder 3k
tiger32k 4k
Tsuijin 1d
Vorador 7k
Vortex 5d
zjones 15k?
Black White Result Date/ Time
BorderLand? DeaconJohn [ext] W+28.5 "W made a comeback in endgame" 3/3/10 6:00 pm CST
Schmidtt Zjones [ext] B+Res "B won solidly" 3/3/10 7:00 pm CST
Sockfolder Ateares [ext] B+31.5 "B won with power moves" 3/4/10 6:00 pm CST
Excalibur Ritty [ext] W+Res "W confuses B with dark magic" 3/4/10 7:00 pm CST
elfking Vorador [ext] W+91.5 "Black's move 147 should be at 148)" 3/8/10 4:00pm CST

US Active Room / 1st event last edited by on March 9, 2010 - 02:50
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