US active room

    Keywords: Online Go

First edit March 2010, last edit May 2010. Very likely abandoned.

US active room is one of the social room from KGS created by Tsuijin? and Sai1029. The room was made in March 1st, 2010. The purpose of the room is to gather active players of KGS to socialialize and interact with one another. Some of the future plans include detailed discussions of pro games, social events, team battles, and tournaments.


  • Players must respect all other players.
  • You are ecouraged to log on at least once a week.
  • No foul language is to be used.
  • The room admins have the power to kick you out if you misbehave or a conflict arises that requires such action.
  • Keep all games friendly.


  • The goal of the room is to help to improve players' go skills through active interactions and socials with other players.
  • Through events and social, we will make the game of go more enjoyable.
  • By following KGS rule, we review pro games occasionally that are not played within 24 hrs without using any copyright stuff.

Random Facts:

  • US does not stand for the United States popular to contrary belief but was actually meant to be the pronoun.
  • This room is open to all players regardless of where they may live.
Name Rating
sai1029 2d
Tsuijin? 1d
kittie99 4d

PS: I strongly advise players in the room to watch the games of other players as a sign of supports. That means more socials and interaction between players :)

I tried to run this room with the best I can. Since I am only a student, I do not have the financial aid to maximize the full potential of the room. I will ask if you may spare some changes or anything to help the US active room to make the room better. Here is the [ext] donation link

US active room EVENT

please click on the event for details.

US active room last edited by bugcat on October 27, 2021 - 17:30
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