USActiveRoom/3rd event

Sub-page of USActiveRoom

The long waited 3rd event is finally being announced by US Active Room. As some of you may know already, it'll be a 3 on 3 team battle. The team will consist of 3 players obviously. 3 games will be played between 2 teams. The team with best 2 out of 3 wins is victourious. In order to make the teams more balance I am going to add a few rules.

Registration rule:

  • Must have a KGS account, so guests cannot join
  • We will use a point system to construct a team. The team must consist of at least 10 points. The points are made of individual members' rank. For example, a 1D will be a "-1" point, 3k will be a "3 points", 10k will be a "10 points". So a team with a 1D, 3k, and a 10k will have (-1+3+10=12) 12 pts, which qualify to be a team.
  • Players that are 15k or lower will count as 15 points but no more. That is to prevent people to take advantage of the point system.
  • I prefer players to have their rank shown so things will be more convivent. (If you do not have a rank, please estimate your strength honestly)
  • matching of different teams will be drawn randomly
  • there are "free" and "ranked" matches. In ranked matches, the losing team will be disassembled. Ranked matches will be played rarely. I am still working on further details.
  • At last, each team must have a name and its own emblem representing its team. You can submit it through

(MAIL format) Team Name:xxxxxx Members name from KGS: 1.xxxx (rank), 2. xxxx(rank), 3. xxxx(rank) and attach you team emblem.

Date of event: The event will take place by 6/13. (Please have the games played according to the rank order) (Please make a schedule with your opponent's team for the game)

  • First Match (6/13 - 6/20): Jumpin' Drive vs. Les Wind!!!
  • Second Match (6/20 - 6/27): Blue Wind vs. Team jiva
  • Third Match (7/25 - 8/1): Kittie Kickers vs. Team vortex

Game Setting: 15 minutes main time and 5 30 seconds byomi, 6.5 komi EVEN game. Report results to team leaders and the leaders will report to me at the end.

Registered Teams:

Team info
Team Name team emblem link member 1 member 2 member 3
Jumpin' Jive ? Meepy 1k ateares 1k Wasuji 8k
Blue Wind? ? sai1029 2d fiara 5k kenshin9 7k
Les Blues ? dounde 1D GAG1 4k nomercy2 7k
Kittie Kickers ? kittie99 4d moonscar 4k Rao 10k
Team jiva ? jiva 1D pough 2k goannaemu 9k
Team vortex ? vortex 5D ritty 4k decHunger 11k
Team Nandayo ? Nandayo 1D henhen 3k cgr 8k
Team timer ? TheTimer? 2D artifice 4k Sipes 8k


people looking for teammates:

  • tunafsh 4-5k
  • FunGoSage? 2k
  • Metropolis 12k
  • sai1991ku 2k
  • SetaSojiro? 4k

Team battle records: Jumpin' Jive win with 2-1 against Les Wind Blue Wind lost with 0-2 against Team jiva

Team battle questions: Type your questions here, and I will answer asap. ~shukai

Question: Hi, I am GoannaEmu from team Jiva, I won my match against kenshin9 but not sure who to report it to. Can you help?

USActiveRoom/3rd event last edited by on July 19, 2010 - 05:18
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