Three star points, contact invasion
Q: Jion: Hello, don't know where I should ask this or find this; I tried searching for it but found nothing. Please edit/move this if it makes things easier. Just wondering if it is always possible to live with an invasion at a in this situation? I realize that invading immediately would probably be helping Black, but can anyone give me some ideas for a joseki sequence? Thanks in advance.
Dieter: (copied the above from QuickQuestions)
Notice that this is also a standard method for approaching a hoshi stone with a 4473Enclosure where is a little more cramped by the presence of .
Charles: There are good reasons why this is 'rare': no joseki.
Probably the most interesting way for White is this. Of course there is a ladder to consider now. This might be played in a high-handicap game.
RhysD: Would somebody mind adding some detail here? I've had a play around, but can't find a plausible ladder. I find these sort of positions (e.g. instances of double hane) quite difficult.