Tesuji from Games 2
Velobici: The problem concerns the inside white group. Finding a successful play for White is easy. But as James Kerwin said in his American Go eJournal article Getting Beyond 1 dan:
There is really only one question, and you must ask it every move. That question is: "Is this move the best move, even if the best move is only a little bit better than this move?" You must be consumed with the search for the best move, the correct move. Any other attitude will slow you down or stop you completely.
Find the best play for White.
zinger: I like this kind of problem. One of the drawbacks of goproblems.com is the tendency for anything that lives (or kills) to be marked "solved", when another move which does the same is clearly a point or two better. Thinking of living the best way is an important real-game skill.
Dave: I think this is not a tesuji problem. Finding the best play locally most of the time involves evaluating plays that do not have that extra quality of tesuji. I guarantee that this position will never appear in a Japanese tesuji problem collection. It is more appriate in the endgame section perhaps?
Bildstein: On goproblems.com, these problems are labelled "Best Move?" (cf. Tesuji), and usually have an introduction that says something like "Black to live in the best way", "Black to save all his stones", or perhaps "Black to play the best local move".