Tesuji from Games 1
Black has a tesuji that will win him this game. Taken from a Fujitsu Cup game between Ma Xiaochun (white) and Yoo Chang Hyuk (black).
Harleqin: Since the rest of the board is not shown, it is unclear how big the tesuji has to be to win the game. With the task being "to win" the whole board should be given, perhaps with a hint that the solution is to be found at the lower edge.
Vesa: It was a half-pointer anyway, so the whole board view wouldn't exactly make it more clear.
Harleqin: I have to object here - even if it was a half-pointer in the end, it owes this result to the tesuji at this position. When we see the whole board, we can decide whether the move we have found is enough or else have to search for an even better tesuji. When we do not have the whole board, "to win" is not a clear task, it would be better to call for the "best move". But I like whole-board problems better anyway :).
Velobici: This is the full board position as requested. Vesa notes that the game was a half-pointer. This is indeed the case. The tesuji is simple enough that a KGS 12 kyu can understand it. I will add the solution, reveal the players, event, complete SGF, and reference to a discussion of the tesuji before the weekend.