Tartrate Number


Go players can brag about their Shusaku number. KGS players can brag about their tartrate number. tartrate has a tartrate number of 0. If you have played a game with tartrate, your tartrate number is 1. If you have played a game with someone whose number is 1, your number is 2, and so on.

What's your tartrate number?


I've managed to get a tartrate number of two. This means the only way for me to advance is to now play tartrate. Likely? Well, I *do* have a tartrate number of 2 :) tartrate (0) - breakfast (1) - taiji (2). tartrate (0) - Solaris (1) - taiji (2).

I suggest kyu players look down TheCaptain's path, while high dans might look down Galileo's games for an answer.


Heh, that may not be necessary. ZeroKun played an even game with tartrate. He sure put up a good fight. :-) --BlueWyvern

FFLaguna: I have a Tartrate Number of 2, thanks to ZeroKun. ^.^

Dansc: I think my Tartrate Number is 3.

tartrate (0) - Galileo (1) - Tsurukame (2) - Dansc (3)

IanVanSice : i think everyone has a tartrate number of 2 or 3, because of zerokun, i know i do. :)

cubyrop : Don't forget that a whole gaggle of kyu-level players, myself included, played tartrate in a simul game. If you don't count that game, then bear in mind that it's arguably as difficult to get a game with ZeroKun as it is with Tartrate ;)

FFLaguna: Lol, cubyrop.

Fwiffo: Should the simul game count? If so, it greatly reduces many people's tartrate numbers (mine, having played cubyrop would already be two). It almost takes the fun out of it; it's much less of a challenge to find your path to tartrate or seek out opponents who can lower your tartrate number.

Goatliness: The only measure that counts is the winning Tartrate number: you have WTN=1 if you've beaten Tartrate, WTN = 2 if you've beaten someone with WTN 1, etc...

ha ha ha ha ha naruto3 has all of you beat he has a tartrate number of 3 hee hee hee. you see naruto3 played Zk (on two different acounts) and Svetlana (redrose) giving naruto3 a grand total of three. wait i got an idea i have a 3 after naruto everytime i go up another i am gonna change the name on my account up one number good idea or what.

Sancdar: Unfortunately, you seem to have mistaken the meaning of the Tartrate Number. Your actual Tartrate number is two, the same as most people that have posted. Also, lower numbers are better as they show you closer to Tartrate. Perhaps you should change your name to naruto2?

nKupo: I actually got a game with ZeroKun a long, long time ago. It was when I was very weak, 20kish. I thought he was of professional strength for a long time.

Herman: Well, if the rumour that Tartrate is Kim Myoung Wan is true, then my Tartrate number is 2 (tartrate played MoGo, as did I) ;-)

Phelan: Heheh. :P Assuming an AI counts as a link, wouldn't the software and hardware have to be the same?

Herman: Nah, my own software & hardware aren't the same either from day to day (depending on how much alcohol I've had, for example) ;-)

MrTenuki: Herman-- By your logic, many Go players who have once tried out Computer Go programs would have a Tartrate number below 5. After all, MoGo has played against GnuGo on the Computer Go Server, so people who have played against GnuGo would have a Tartrate number of 3...

wms: My tartrate number is 1. This is also (sort of) my winning tartrate number - although in the game I won, there was handicap 7, there were two of us working together as black, and there was also alcohol involved. For WTN to have any meaning, it would probably have to be an even one-on-one game in somewhat serious circumstances.

phi?: I also have a Tartrate number of 1, I have played Tartrate multiple times, unfortunately, the only time I won was with a 9 stone handicap.

Now that the identity of tartrate has been long known this page should be updated more frequently.

Tartrate Number last edited by on February 8, 2017 - 00:15
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