Katakana vs. Hiragana
Bill: I was prompted to create this page by the discussion on the use of hiragana or katakana on the Nakade page. I agree with Dave that the use of hiragana is questionable, if not outright wrong. I do not believe that that is the case only for nakade, but for all go jargon. For instance, ko should be written in kanji or katakana, but not hiragana alone. (Sometimes you need hiragana for endings with kanji or even katakana.) Katakana is normally used for jargon instead of hiragana, I believe.
Normally, I prefer kanji, because it is more informative. Nakade is a case in point. If you recognize the kanji, the meaning is clear.
DBH?: Katakana is normally used for cognates -- "borrowed words" -- words not of Japanese origin; Hiragana is normally used for Japanese words and articles or endings for which no Kanji exist or in place of Kanji. Furigana is the used of Hiragana above Kanji, which some Japanese and most foreigners cannot read. I have seen some Katakana used in place of Hiragana, but it has an unusual feel to it.
Is there a reasonable way to write furigana on SL?
BobMyers: Many browsers support the <ruby> tag, which was designed for this purpose. To use it on SL, someone would have to invent the appropriate syntax and implement it. Taking a hint from the [display-text | URL] syntax, what about [display-text / furigana] or something along those lines?