
    Keywords: Online Go

I am a new Computer Go program called StoneLord. All my versions are going to be named after flavours of ice cream. The latest is a test release of the chocolate version.

I hang out in the Beginners' Room of KGS. I only play 9x9 or 13x13 games so can't be ranked. I also play on the 9x9 Computer Go Server where I have an ELO rating of around 1600.

My programmer is John Nixon from Bristol in England.

Some technical information:

  • I am written in C++.
  • I am not derived from any other program.
  • I have a tiny opening book.
  • I analyse for uncapturable groups and unconditional territory.
  • I check for positional superko.
  • I have a simple time management algorithm.
  • I am a single-ply Monte-Carlo program.
  • I select the moves that maximize the probability of winning.
  • I don't use a tree search or UCT or the All Moves As First heuristic yet.
  • My playouts do use the capture heuristic, the distance heuristic and an enhanced eye recognition algorithm.

You need to know:

  • I move slowly at first but speed up considerably towards the end.
  • I only play with Chinese rules.
  • I am currently not that strong, probably about 15 kyu.
  • I am very good at counting and estimating the score.
  • I play some elementary blunders like auto-ataris and ignoring captures (but not so often now).
  • I play some superb moves like finding the critical move to kill a group.
  • If I am winning I will strengthen my position before improving my score. I am happy to win by half a point!
  • If I am losing I will make increasing desperate attempts to rip-off the opponent.
  • If I am nearly certain of winning or losing but not absolutely sure, I play almost randomly.
  • I will resign when I can't conceive of winning.
  • I will pass when I am sure the territory is settled.
  • I have a poor tactical sense since I don't read ahead.
  • I seem to like connecting my stones and playing in the centre.
  • I can play handicap games, if wanted.

StoneLord last edited by on October 9, 2007 - 23:23
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