Small board endgame problems
Whole-board problems on small boards (between 5x5 and 13x13) are often used to teach the combination of endgame counting, sequencing of moves and tesuji.
Small board endgame problems on SL
- 3x4 problems
- Endgame problem 24 (9x9)
- Endgame problem 25 (7x7)
Small board endgame problems in books and magazines
5x5 boards
- Go World Archive vol 82, 83, 84, 85, 93
6x6 boards
- Go World Archive vol 14, 15, 16, 17
- Rational Endgame chapter 7 diagram 1
7x7 boards
- Go World Archive vol 18, 20, 21
- Rational Endgame chapter 7 diagrams 8, 12
9x9 boards
- Get Strong at the Endgame: part 1 problems 1-3, 40-42
- Go World Archive vol 85, 86, 94
11x11 boards
- Get Strong at the Endgame: part 1 problems 4-39; part 4 problems 264-291
- Go World Archive vol 45, 51, 87
13x13 boards
- Rational Endgame chapter 9, five problems
- Graded Go Problems for Beginners
- volume 1 problem 120
- volume 2 problems 57, 58
- volume 4 problem 143
- Go World Archive vol 88, 89, 90
Small board endgame problems at
- ferdi's problems (most but not all included in the collections below)
- 7x7 problems, started by ferdi but others have added new problems
- 4x4 problems, also started by ferdi