SkyCrashesDown, That's Me!
I learned the rules of go in high school (graduated class of 1998), but I wouldn't say I learned to play go at that point. Let me put it this way: I think just about every game I played in high school was started at tengen. Yeah, so none of us knew what the hell we were doing. But it was enough to get me interested.
But not enough, it seems, to play regularly. I don't know why I never put in the effort to do so -- I guess I just got distracted by college. Lately (writing in February 2003), I've started playing on Yahoo and reading SL, and reminded myself of my interest. Hopefully I won't flake out this time, heh -- I'd like to get involved with the local go club and begin really improving my (currently pathetic) game.
Non-go stuff about me:
Born on the 16th anniversary of JFK's assassination. Currently (Feb '03) finishing up degrees in Philosophy and Computer Science at the University of Washington in Seattle, as an exchange student for one year at Kungl Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. My long-term goal is to become a tattoo artist. A tattoo of a goban with a famous game on it or something would be way fun, don't you think? If you're in Stockholm or Seattle and fancy a game, let me know. My contact info can be found on my website.
Messages for SkyCrashesDown:
I (and the other friendly folk there) invite you to visit KGS and return many times! It is a great place to play and learn. Welcome to Sensei's Library. -- HuOfKGS
I've been playing on KGS for a couple weeks now, thanks to this invitation. Currently just below 23k. Making a lot of mistakes, sigh... - Sky
Nah... Chinese saying: Sky crashes down, treat as blanket. So there is no worry, you will improve somehow. =P --unkx80