
Sub-page of Sh

New Rank Comparison List (mid 2010):

17-23k 20-26k 20-26k 18-25k 19-25k Beg. 18-25k
16-22k 19-25k 20-25k 17-24k 18-24k Beg. 18-25k
15-21k 18-24k 19-24k 16-22k 17-22k Beg. 18-25k
14-20k 17-23k 18-23k 15-21k 16-20k Beg. 18-25k
13-19k 16-22k 17-22k 15-21k 15-19k Beg. 18-25k
12-18k 15-20k 16-21k 15-20k 14-18k Beg. 18-25k
11-17k 14-19k 15-20k 14-19k 13-17k Beg. 18-25k
11-15k 13-18k 14-19k 13-18k 12-16k Beg. 18-25k
10-14k 12-17k 13-18k 12-17k 11-15k 17k-Beg. 18-25k
9-13k 11-16k 12-17k 12-17k 10-14k 15k-Beg. 18-25k
8-12k 10-15k 11-15k 12-16k 9-13k 13-17k 18-25k
7-11k 9-14k 10-14k 11-15k 8-12k 12-16k 16-21k
6-10k 8-13k 9-13k 10-15k 7-11k 11-15k 16-18k
5-9k 7-12k 8-12k 9-14k 6-10k 10-14k 14-18k
4-8k 6-11k 7-10k 8-13k 5-8k 9-13k 12-18k
3-7k 6-10k 6-9k 7-12k 4-7k 8-12k 10-18k
2-6k 5-8k 5-8k 5-10k 3-7k 7-10k 8-16k
2-4k 4-7k 4-7k 4-9k 2-5k 5-8k 6-14k
1-3k 3-6k 3-6k 3-7k 1-3k 3-7k 1-12k
1d-2k 2-4k 2-4k 2-5k 2k-1d 2-5k 4k-3d
2d-1k 1-3k 3k-1d 1-4k 1-2d 1-2k 2-4d
1-3d 2k-1d 1k-2d 3k-1d 2-3d 1k-2d 3-5d
2-4d 1-2d 1-3d 1-3d 3-4d 2-3d 6d
3-5d 2-3d 2-4d 2-4d 5d 3-5d 7d
3-6d 3-4d 3-4d 2-4d 6d 5-6d 7d
6d 5d 4-5d 2-4d 7d 6-7d 7d
7d 6d 5-6d 2-4d 7d 6-7d 7d

Since the Worldwide Rank Comparison List seems to be incorrect in many cases, I have created a new list that rather specifies ranges of ranks instead of exact ranks. Unfortunately I have no information about ranks in China, Korea and Japan, but at least for Japan I know that there seems to be a high bandwith. While one of my friends is 5k in Japan, he's 2-3k on KGS. Another friend who was 6k EGF played even with Japanese 1d players.

The new comparison list that I have created is based on various sources (total number of datasets in brackets):

  • DGS (578)
  • OGS (204)
  • Publicly available list with KGS ids (105)
  • SL's dataset collection (86)

Number of information for each server/organization

  • DGS (675)
  • EGF (573)
  • KGS (512)
  • OGS (216)
  • AGA (124)
  • IGS (86)
  • WBaduk (39)

Generally the specified ranges mean that they include half of the conversions from the given KGS rank (25% each above and below the median), hence you would have a 50% chance to fit within the range of another server/organization relative to your KGS rank. The bandwidth of the remaining 50% is much bigger. For some ranks of some servers only few data exist, so in case of less than 5 datasets per rank-server-server combinations, several ranks have been combined and redistributed with the proposition that an increase of one rank on one server means an increase of one rank of the other server (which is only approximately true). The base of the list are KGS data, i.e. data for other servers/organizations are derived from KGS data. The intervals for the KGS columns have been recalculated from DGS and EGF columns.

JTron: Has anything changed in the ratings systems in the last six months? In other words, is this still accurate? I like this table better than the other chart, but I wish the ranges in rank were a little closer. Otherwise, this has been very helpful to me. Thanks.

sh: As far as I can judge the comparison still looks good, though I haven't followed the changes since mid 2010 in detail. I am sorry that I cannot help with the wide ranges, but this is the way it is ;-)

Sh/rankcomparison last edited by sh on August 24, 2011 - 20:26
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