Sente Seki
A seki that is achieved in sente, from the point of view of a player trying to solve a life and death problem (usually either trying to save a group that looks dead, or kill a group that looks alive). This is an obviously better result than a gote seki solution to the same problem.
Back and Forth (hin und her)
makes seki with gote.
Well, it's always the case that if she has a this-kind seki, he has a that-kind seki after her move and vice versa, provided there is a next move.
The example isn't very good because
- the order is reversed,
- the back and forth only lasts for three moves, and
- it should be trimmed:
Anyway, what it tells us is that you have to qualify the term with who has the what-ever-kind seki. Implicitly, of course, that's the one to move. So, yes, the first diagram is a sente seki for Black, and, yes, the second diagram is a gote seki for White (as would be a third diagram).
Actually, this is a dodgy problem...
White is urgent (otherwise Black plays at 3 [or any other there - RP] first and kills the whole lot). The marked White stones need to get two eyes (otherwise Black surrounds, kills; and then the marked Black stones are alive! i.e: not seki) - Mystery Go Player
Bill: Note on the diagrams. Stones that frame problems or examples, such as the marked stones, are conventionally considered to be alive. This convention spares the diagram maker from the tedium of providing two eyes for every group of stones and makes the diagrams look more natural. :)
unkx80: I tacked the diagram conventions to conventions in life and death. Some things just need to be made more explicit. =)
[1] Bill: There used to be a restaurant in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, I don't remember its name, that had posters about Schnitzelbank, which was used for a drinking song, "Ist das nicht ein Schnitzelbank?" {Note: Yes, it said "ein"[2], not "eine".} There were various pictures, with what they were called; for instance, a swing, which was called "ein hin und her".
So one verse in the song was this:
"Ist das nicht ein hin und her?
Ja, das ist ein hin und her.
Oh, die Schönheit an der Wand,
Ja, das ist ein hin und her."
All verses followed the same pattern.
So, "Ist das nicht ein Sente Seki?" ;)
[2] Robert Pauli:
Well, bethsnotesplus also has it, but that's wrong German (on purpose?).
Bank is a feminine noun
in German, and therefore asks for eine.
Check the two images below (both use eine):