
    Keywords: Tournament

The Nihon Saikyo League (日本最強決定戦, lit. Tournament to Determine Japan's Strongest Player) was a tournament league from 1956-1961. It was popularly called the "Six Strongest Tournament" or "六強戦," and was the precursor to the Meijin tournament. Each player played each other twice alternating colors, with no komi, and a time limit of 10-hours each with a 5-minute byoyomi. The last finisher in the league was replaced by the winner of its preliminary tournament.

Tournament League Winners

Ahead of Kitani Minoru, Sakata Eio, Hashimoto Utaro, Takagawa Kaku and Fujisawa Hosai.

Ahead of Kitani Minoru, Go Seigen, Iwata Masao, Hashimoto Utaro and Takagawa Kaku.

Ahead of Iwata Masao, Hashimoto Utaro, Hashimoto Shoji and Kitani Minoru


  • This title was replaced in 1962 by the Meijin title.


  • [ext] Colorized photos of the first edition on Yomiuri website, Go-Kitani and Takagawa-Sakata. Grab and slide the white circle at the center.

Saikyo last edited by hnishy on July 5, 2024 - 05:10
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