I plan to comment all my games from now on, so I can track more easily the problems I have.
20 Nov 2005: I played a game against a 12k bot with 3 handicap. Lost with 45 points due to death of a group (otherwise it would have been more or less equal result). I could have lived by sacrificing some stones but I misread the situation and it turned that one eye was a false eye. Diagnose: Reading problems.
05 Dec 2005: Just finished a game game on DragonGoServer, which started with a very weak beginning for me, but developed quite well in the yose. (See moves F-18 and B-3). Diagnose: I feel good about playing the endgame.
07 Dec 2005: A bitter loss on KGS - in an equal game I was winning as black, I didn't see a snapback and one big invading group (which managed to help me kill another white group btw) get to live. Move 177 should be at L7 ... oh how utterly wonderfully silly! Otherwise, the estimated score at the correct 177 is B+32. I am not sure that the opening was entirely adequate as well, in the end white got the four corners, while black had a big huge moyo in the center. Diagnose: Reading problems.
09 Dec 2005: An interesting game ended on DragonGoServer - a clumsy desperate invasion not only stole enough territory for a marginal win, but due to a neglected (by both sides!) move - N4 - I managed to kill a huge group. If black answered it at M4 instead of N3, one small group would die, but the large one would live. White M17 was awfully placed. Diagnose: I feel good about playing the endgame.