My real name is something like Christian Albers, from which you cannot derive the name Quacki. Nonetheless am I playing on KGS under that name. Currently my rank is given as 11k there. I learned playing Go in October 2002, and played with changing intensity from then.
Hmm, one of my other hobbies is LEGO(tm), which I played a lot in my childhood. Just recently I overcame my so called "dark ages" with no playing Lego at all. My first guess it was because of the "Go" in Lego, but by tewari analysis I found out it's the other way round: I play Go because in my childhood I played Lego and there is a "Go" in Lego ...
Lego comes from "Leg godt" which means "Play good". Thats a fine motto!
Ah, to add one last thing, I live in Bremen, which is a town in northern Germany.