PocketPC/Java Virtual Machine

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There are two (current) Java VM available for Pocket PC (Windows Mobile 2003)

I'll be testing both of these with various Java apps (CGoban2, ggo, jago). I have a Dell Axim X30-High with 802.11b wireless.

-- Malweth

Malweth, did you test the VMs with GoGrinder? tia

I'll try later today :)



Jago does not have full functionality with J9.

Note that with J9, you must set up a link (shortcut) to the program that loads J9 with the Jago JAR file as one of the parameters. Use the Golf Game Scorer program link that comes with J9 (in the examples directory) as an example. The Java class MUST be in the arguments. ("Go" for Jago).

Unfortunately, clicking "Connect" does nothing but hang the Java App (when connceted to an 802.11b network).


This does not seem to work with J9 JVM.



Jago does work in CrEme?, but there are some issues. It will connect to the IGS server, but settings are not saved. Additionally, menus (anything involving text) are not viewable... they are clickable, meaning you can click on a big empty box (the active games window), click "observe," and the game will actually come up!

Jago works quite well with the non beta creme. The following screens are available, but with limited view:

  • "Games:" Everything to the right of the "Status" button is non-visable. Open games can be seen, clicked on, and "Observed"
  • "Game (Observed):" The entire board is visible (yay!). Time for players is not visible (just the Left-most 2 digits). Kibitz window is impossible to read (one letter per line). All buttons after "To End of Game" are non-visible.
  • IGS Terminal Screen: Very usable. Only the buttons "Peek," "Status," and "Observe" are non-visable.
  • Menus: All menus are visible - this is a function of Creme. Some will be on a second line of display - Creme overlaps the Java menus.

I haven't tried to play a game yet, but this seems very possible - the only problem are the clocks... if you don't mind not being able to see your clock, it might be ok -- I haven't tried playing yet.

If only we could get Rene Grothmann? to build us a version of jago that fits into a 320x240 screen size.


This does not seem to work in Creme.


This does not seem to work in Creme.


This does not seem to work in Creme.

Creme seems to tend not to work on anything that requires Java 1.4 - I believe Creme is built off of Java 1.1. I also believe anything that uses swing fails as well. This leaves the more light-weight jars such as jago.

Jbed by Esmertec

Woodard: Has anyone tried running CGoban 2 on[ext] Jbed? This was mentioned on GoClient. For that matter, has anyone gotten CGoban2 to work on a Pocket PC in any way?

PocketPC/Java Virtual Machine last edited by on October 24, 2006 - 23:18
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