Pair Go/ Discussion

Sub-page of PairGo

sduff: According to [ext], no communicating is allowed what so ever. From the description by MortenPahle on PairGo however, it seems like commenting after a player has made a move is allowed and actually encouraged. What are the real rules of Rengo?

Chris Hayashida: I think it depends on where it's played, and how "serious" the game is. We don't comment during a move in "friendly" rengo games, but I don't know if it matters. It might be different if you're in the tournament to play in the world championship, though. :) After a move is played, and possibly after the opponent responds, we might comment on how we thought a different move might have been better. Usually we play rengo so that a new player gets to see how a stronger player thinks, or at least get some exposure to it. Anyway, it's just my two.

DrStraw Any comment in a tournament game should be disallowed as it might give a clue to the partner as to how you are thinking about the game.

SGBailey You can do what you agree in friendly games. In tournament games, you play by the tournament rules. In British and European pair go, the rule is no communication between any players except: "Is it my turn", "You played out of sequence" and "May I resign partner".

Bill: I used to play pair go, which we called tandem go or random go, under different rules. Each player played 5 moves in a row, and there were one or two time outs (two minutes long) per side for planning and discussion.

(Hicham): Is just taking the mean strength enough to decide the handicap? I was thinking that two 9 kyu forming a team, may have an advantage over let say a team of a 24 kyu and a 6 dan, because they understnd each others moves better. Wouldn' be bettert to make up a formula which takes the difference of strenth in pair in count(good english?)?

xela: I've heard somewhere that it should be the weighted average with the lower rank counted twice--e.g, if two 10 kyus play against an 8 kyu and 14 kyu team, then (8+14+14)/3 = 12, so they should play with a 2 stone handicap. (In Hicham's example, the two 9 kyus should give 5 stones to the 24 kyu + 6 dan, as (24+24-5)/3 is about 14.) I haven't played enough rengo to say how accurate this formula is.

Pair Go/ Discussion last edited by xela on August 15, 2007 - 06:37
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