Old Fuseki vs New Fuseki
Old Fuseki vs. New Fuseki: Honinbo Shusai Plays Go Seigen is a go game commentary and history book by John Fairbairn. It is part of the Famous Games series. Covered is The Game of the Century -- titled so for its clash of classic vs. modern go theory, players involved, and game length.
This volume examines the game in which Go Seigen played Honinbo Shusai by starting with a 3-3 point play, a 4-4 point, and a stone on the center point (tengen). Fairbairn provides very thorough commentary and background on the game, setting and players. There is a full discussion of the development & theory of New Fuseki, with numerous examples of its use at the time. Also discussed is Shusai’s controversial, decisive move in the late middlegame (whether it was discovered by one of his pupils).
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